POEM: How Much Is One Life Worth?
In His image we were made; His name written on our Palm; He gave his life for this one...
Woke up this morning to the world on fire.
Angry voices raised amidst the tumult.
Crying out.
While smoke swirled through the masses.
(How much is one life worth)
People who look like me say,
this is destruction.
This does not further the cause.
You are defeating the purpose.
(How much is one life worth)
March 5, 1770, Private Hugh White
Stood alone on a frigid Boston night
The tensions were running too high
And so they came
(How much is one life worth)
Private Hugh was attacked by the mob
called for help, he couldn’t be alone
Both sides came running
and chaos escalated
(How much is one life worth)
The mob struck a match
on a powder keg of tension
Which we now celebrate on July the 4
Because it led to freedom
(How much is one life worth)
The status quo is to let it go
until next week, next month
when the hash tag changes
Insert another name
(How much is one life worth)
We allow other humans to drink dirty water
to go without basic needs
to have unequal access to things we take for granted
To be silenced out of fear
(How much is one life worth)
Our hearts are crying out
lament is on our lips
How long must we wait Oh Lord
For real change to come.
(How much is one life worth)
COVID Quarantine
Loss of jobs
Isolation and fear
The perfect storm
(How much is one life worth)
I woke up this morning to the world on fire
Voices swirling, chaos ensuing
While somewhere
A family grieves
(How much is one life worth)
In His image we were made
His name written on our Palm
He gave his life for this one
Even now God is saying his name.
(That’s how much his life was worth)