“A Joy-Filled Heart”
How do we develop a "joy-filled heart, a curative balm" amid COVID? For me, it’s about looking to Jesus. He is our source of joy and brings healing to our spirits.
Proverbs 17:22
I’m pretty sure that today is day 7698 of ‘sheltering at home’….or at least it feels that way! Many of my family and friends have shared that it is time for this to be over. You too may be feeling that way. That is okay!
The reality of COVID-19 is that it is affecting us in ways we never imagined. We are reminded daily of the tragic loss of lives, the questions and fears we are all experiencing. This isn’t normal life at all, is it? It is easy to be discouraged and to feel down-hearted by all that we hear, see and experience during these unprecedented times.
So, what’s the remedy? Where do we go when we just can’t take it anymore? God’s Word is a great place to start! As we continue in the book of Proverbs, my mind went to Proverbs 17:22 (The Voice):
“A joy-filled heart is curative balm, But a broken spirit hurts all the way to the bone.”
How do we develop a “joy-filled heart, a curative balm” amid COVID? For me, it’s about looking to Jesus. He is our source of joy and brings healing to our spirits. Christ is the only hope we have and He is completely trustworthy.
During these days, as I spend time in the Word, I am reminded over and over again of God’s Presence and His faithfulness from generation to generation. Knowing He has been faithful and will be faithful again brings a curative balm to my heart and soul. It helps to heal the hurt, the doubt and the overwhelming feeling that we all experience.
Babbie Mason sings these words:
God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don’t understand
When don’t see His plan
When you can’t trace His hand
Trust His Heart
You can listen here.
I’m trusting God’s heart and anticipating a joy-filled and curative balm from His Presence today. Praying you are overwhelmed by the joy of His Presence as well.
God, today may I recognize your Presence in my life and experience the joy that comes with it. May that joy overflow to all I am near today as I trust Your heart.